LOOCK Galerie
Unless noted otherwise, our exhibitions take place at Ackerstraße 171, 10115 Berlin Mitte.
Opening hours: Fridays and Saturtday 2 – 6 PM & by appointment.
You can reach us by phone or email.
Instagram: loockgalerie
Facebook: Loock Galerie
Youtube: Loock Galerie
Loock GmbH
Ackerstr. 171
10115 Berlin
info @loock.info
tel: +49-30- 39 40 96 85 0
fax: +49-30- 39 40 96 85 9
Loock GmbH
Geschäftsführer Friedrich Loock
Amtsgericht Charlottenburg
HRB 112120
USt-ID DE 814953368
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